Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Stock!

We celebrated Owen's friend Stockton's Birthday in late March. I'm determined to be a thorough blogger this year, so bare with me as I do some catching up:). Anyway, Cas had a small playdate and the kids had cupcakes. Well, the adults had 2 or 3 also. I love that:
A. I'm still in good contact with my best friends from school, both highschool and college
B. We are pretty much all in the same all near the same age (mostly boys, too!)
C. Our kids are growing up to be such close friends.

Here is the birthday boy:
The only way Owen knows how to eat a cupcake: eat the frosting off the top and then MAYBE take a bite or two out of the cake. This kid loves straight up sugar. Anything frosted in our house doesn't last very long...So it doesn't happen all that often.

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