Thursday, April 7, 2011

10 things about me.

I've been working on a little project recently. It's about my mom and I've been asking her some questions here and there. Mostly about her childhood and her younger years. I've been thinking a lot lately how "once upon a time," my mom was my age. She was once a mother to a 3 year old. I don't really know that person then, just the person she is now. Weird to think about, really. So I got to thinking, I'd like my children to know about me as a young mom with young children. This is partly why I blog. So they will look back and know what life was know EVERY little detail:) and maybe get an idea of what their parents did for them so when they are 16 year old ingrates they might think twice....just kidding! Ha!

so here is 10 things about me today. it could change tomorrow.
1. I enjoy taking on sewing projects, but I hate that it consumes my life while I am working on them.
2. I've been really loving Mumford and Sons on Pandora. Have you heard them? A little folksy, but really good.
3. I have not ran once since running the St. George Marathon in 2009. I am certainly getting the itch. It's time to start. Who's with me? SLC Marathon 2012? Ogden 2012?
4. I am currently on my 2nd run of Sex and the City reruns in about a 3 month span. I'm just getting to the good know where things are going great with Carrie and Aiden, but Big starts popping up. Oh man, seriously, best season. I love watching this show because for some reason it reminds me of one of my favorite vacations...Steve took me to San Francisco for our 1 year anniversary. What a sweetie.
5. Photography is ALWAYS on my mind. How I want to take new pictures, where I could take new pictures, who I could take new pictures of, what I could take new pictures of.
6. I make a to do list on a daily basis, and rarely refer to that list. Not sure why I do that.
7. I am a primary teacher and I really love it. I love the kids in my class and I love the age (7 turning 8). A couple of weeks ago I was asking the kids what we might be tempted to do, and no joke, one kid said MURDER. Oh man, gotta love em.
8. I love to read. Lately, I have a harder time making time, but when I finish a good book I feel really happy inside. And accomplished.
9. My house is rarely entirely clean. I've tried doing it all in one day, breaking it up through the week, but it just doesn't happen for me. HELP. How do you tidy people do it?
10. I love to make my kids laugh. This is often done through lipsincing, dancing and silly faces. Their laughs are priceless.

So tell me 10 things about you today.

1 comment:

..::k.toms::.. said...

This is such a cute post! I love reading about you :) It's about time!
And yes, I have heard Mumford & Sons and I LOVE them too!! They are playing them a lot on Top 20 XM.
So... if you are in the market for a new project (no pressure), I'd like to get w/ you and do that silverware thing I wanted to do a long time ago and have procrastinated about! We could just use my own! (and in the mean time, I'll get your golf negatives back. Sheesh! I'm terrible!)
Come over w/ Steve on Saturday if you can & we'll chat!! And bring those cute boys of yours! It's been forever!