Monday, April 4, 2011

Firefighter Buhler

A couple of months ago we went to dinner with some of Steve's Highschool buddies and their wives...we kind of lost touch for a while. BUT, we got caught up and Steve's friend Jason informed us he was a firefighter at station #5 and that we could bring Owen by any time. A couple of weeks ago we decided to take him up on his offer. When we first arrived, Owen was quite grumpy.
We put him in the front seat of the Fire Engine and he said "I don't want to be a fireman"
I got him to quickly snap out of it by telling him to shoot me with the hose. He thought that was fun.

Here is firefighter Buhler helping Owen handle an Axe.
This helmet was really heavy and kept weighing down Owen's head.
Owen, always a goofball.

We got the full tour and then some. Owen loved it and still asks about "Jasy" everytime we see a firetruck. The boys were sent home with firehelmets, stickers and lots of tattoos. Thanks Jason!


Brittany said...

Fun! Love the grumpy picture.

lindson said...

That is one clean fire truck. I'd love to see that fireman with his shirt off scrubbing it down. Yummy.