Monday, September 19, 2011

California Vacation Part 2: The Beach

As per tradition, the Seare family rented several condo's in Oceanside, CA. We love Oceanside. It has all the charm of SoCal without large crowds and major touristy attractions. We shared a condo with Steve's brother Matt, Julianne and Estee. Owen and Estee had some bonding time and all of the kids got along really well.

This is improvising when a high chair isn't available for a crazy 13 month old.
Jules brought her Ipad and the kids had a good laugh playing with the photobooth:
Here we are headed up the pier to Ruby's Diner. It is a must when you go to Oceanside. Also, milkshakes are a requirement with your dinner.

Here is Avery and Owen in the jogger. Avery REALLY wanted a ride. I don't blame her. I wish someone would wheel me around so I can relax and enjoy the scenery.
Something about the California air makes me want to get the day going and started with a walk along the ocean. Here we are on the Oceanside Pier.

Miles was all tuckered out after our walk.
This is the view from our condo...can't really complain!
The Harbor Fish'n'Chips are a favorite of ours for sure! The fish are HUGE! Matt, Jules, Estee and our family ate there a couple times and here is Owen and Estee comparing size...
The majority of our vacation is spent on the beach. We eat, lounge and play ALL day on the beach. I love it.

Here is Matt getting ready to have Estee catch some waves.
Maya caught a good one!
And she knows it!
Avery laugh/crying. Hilarious.
Another tradition...searching for sand crabs. Brad collected pretty much an entire bucket full and the kids loved it. Especially Miles. He wanted to eat them.
Steve, Brad and his cousins Blake and Ryan.

Steve headed out with Owen...
to catch his very first wave!
He did awesome! Unfortunately, his landing resulted in a slight crash and he wouldn't dare try again. I had one goal for this trip: get Owen to catch a wave. Mission Accomplished!
Miles was the bleach blonde babe. Mostly eating, trying to swim in the ocean and running all over the place.

Just eating rocks. No big deal.
This is Estee and Avery with Steve's Uncle Jeff. The kids love him and he was so great to oblige the girls when they wanted to go jump in the ocean.
The sandman. He would get covered in sand. It was my worst nightmare trying to get this kid sand free in the shower.
As you can see, the beach is covered in these rocks. Not our typical nor preferable conditions for the beach. And it was a bit chilly. So Brad decided one day to take advantage of the high tide and rent a fishing pole. He caught a small shark! I didn't get to see it because I was in the condo while Miles was napping, and by the time I got out there he had sent it back...what a bummer. But it was awesome because all sorts of people came talking to Brad like he was an expert at ocean fishing.

1 comment:

..::k.toms::.. said...

So jealous of your yearly vacation to SoCal!
And here's a tip I learned this summer while at the beach: To get the sand off your body, just dust baby powder over you and slides right off!