Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Owen Starts Preschool!

I can't believe my baby is old enough to be going to preschool! We have been anticipating this for quite some time, and with great reason. Owen is bright, social, independent and ready to learn! Owen started going to Miss Kathy and has so far really enjoyed it. The first day of school went just as expected...not a problem. I walked him down to his class and when I said good-bye he said, "I'm not going to cry." And cry he didn't! I may have gotten a little teary. I miss my little guy when he is away, but time really flies for those two hours. On his first day he was asked to bring something to show and tell. He originally chose his big blue batman. By the time we arrived to school he changed his mind to his McDonalds Superman. Miss Kathy had totes made for all of the kids, so on his first day he came home with his new tote and a ding dong and paper that said, "Preschool is a 'piece of cake!' " I must agree, so far! Way to go Owen!

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