Monday, February 21, 2011


Ridiculous. I know. 6 months since I last posted? REALLY? I was tempted to just delete this blog and pretend it never happened. Buuuuut, I decided I would give it another try. Perhaps this is my year to be the best blogger I can be. Or not. I won't catch you up on EVERYTHING since last I posted, but a quick update on us...

turned 3. Might be in the middle of the terrible 3's. Still has a sweet side. Asks WAY too many questions. Started PRIMARY in January and loves his teachers GLEB and ASHLYN. Is actuallly retaining some of the things he learns in primary. Got a big boy hair cut. Loves his friends and cousins, asks to see them DAILY. Hides from his dad EVERY DAY when he gets home from work. Adores his baby brother and loves to give him snacks and water. Has become obsessed with: Batman, Superman, Spiderman, and Iron Man. Favorite foods include: cheerios, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fruit. If you ask him his favorite sports, they are: Golf and Baseball (gee has he been coached much?). Loves Katy Perry's FIREWORK song...sings it all day and asks me to sing it while we dance. Was tearing up this weekend while watching "Curious George" the movie, because the man in the yellow hat sent George back to the jungle. seriously cute.

is coming up on 7 months! Crawling and Sitting up on his own. Smiles nonstop. Loves the sound of his voice. Loves being sang to. Loves his big brother and thinks he is hilarious. Sleeps 12+ hours at night. Is eating and loving solid foods. Sucks two fingers, no thumb. Is a busy body reaching for anything and everthing in sight. Puts everything in his mouth. Gets cuter by the minute. Loves doing rasperries, or just sticking out his tongue for that matter. Loves Pedro.

Business as usual...Steve is working hard for the money at Uinta, while I am working hard for the money at home:) Steve has golfed way more than you should in the months of January and February. Business for me is picking up and hopefully continues to do so with the warming up just around the corner...right? I'm still in book club and loving it...last month's read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. It was a good read. This month A vintage affair. I'll let you know on that one. I'm also working on the 3rd book of the Hunger games inbetween books. I like the series. definitely better than some vampire series I heard of.

So, heres to blogging 2011 like its EVERYBODY'S business.


Nesting with Grace said...

Um delete ur blog r u serious??? Then we miss those cutie boys and the perfect pictures! 7 months and solid foods....cant wait :) and 12 hours at night!!! In my dreams if I could get to the stage of dreaming!

The Blanchard Family said...

YES! Love that you are back. . .now don't dissapoint by waiting another month to post again ;) Just kidding. . .being a mom of two is pure crazy.

..::k.toms::.. said...

Why hello there! I was going to comment on your last post, just last week, to give you crap about this here blog but turns out I didn't need to!
Here you are! And you're here to stay! Hopefully...
Let me know if you ever want Robert and me to watch the boys one night, and never give them back. They are too cute, I want to steal them. Mwahahahaha!!!