Monday, August 10, 2009

The Results are in...

pre race jitters sophia and isaac chose to gag on their goo pre-race, while I prefer to gag on it mid-race.

we are FREEZING!

Just waiting...start already!

and I didn't win, but I feel like a winner! I ran the Provo River Trail 1/2 marathon. That is 13.1 miles.

Some information you may or may not give a crap about:

My time 1:52:04
I took 59th place in my division of 240 25-29 year old females

I took 227th place of 1225 females

I took 484th place over all of 1809 runners.

Friday night I headed up to Orem to have dinner with Sophia, Kris and Isaac who were also running the race. We had fun laughing and getting psyched up for the race. We stayed the night at Sophia's grandma's and this was a great/bad idea. Great because we had wonderful accomadations so close to the bus pick-up. Bad because it became a sleep over where we giggled A LOT. At about 1:00 am I began to really fret. I thought what am I going to do? I have blown it. I just could not get myself to fall asleep after too many giggles I guess. When 4:30 came around I popped out of bed feeling fine and hoping my body would not realize the sleep deprivation. We arrived around 5:30 which was plenty of time because A. our bus got lost, B. there were still severall busses coming, and C. they had yet to even set up the starting line. FUNNY. it was really cold and for the first mile or so my fingers were frozen numb. The course was beautiful and fantastic with all of the downhill. I ran with Soph for the first few miles and then we were separated. At some point I saw some woman with frizzy blond hair, and I thought to myself, wow, she is carrying a water bottle the whole 13.1 miles. Also, I thought, wow she looks like she is going a good pace, I will keep on her tail. I had heard the race was unorganized, and that indeed it was. I had no idea where the heck I was until Mile marker 5 and somewhere neer mile marker 7 I saw a mile marker for the Moab marathon...mile 17. Whatever the case...I had come prepared with my water belt (the best investment ever) because I was determined to not stop once. the last mile was a blur...I had my second wind and was so excited to see my family at the end...unfortunately I passed them because I was so concentrated and didn't even see them! Steve said he could have hit me in the face he was so close to me. sorry. I got to the finish line and saw the clock and was a little confused. what? its not 1:52 pm. OH! wait! that is my time!! I could not believe it. I didn't want to post my goal time in fear that I would not accomplish it, but in fact, I beat it by 13 minutes! I was in shock! It was exhilerating and such great motivator to keep going and get a great time at the St. George Marathon! WOOHOO!

this is how close steve was to me, and I didn't see him. oops. But can I say I have an awesome supportive husband. He came super early to cheer me on, equiped with juice, banana bread, and a water bottle. LOVE YOU STEVE!

just had to throw this in...we went to breakfast afterwards and the boys were cute.


..::k.toms::.. said...

I saw Sophia after that turn-about (you know, the HELL hill?) and saw that you weren't with her. I told Kel that you were fast but DANG, didn't know you were THAT fast!
1:52 go you!
I'm excited to see how well you do in St. George! So proud of you!!

Nesting with Grace said...

YEA! Way to will do amazing for the marathon!

Sophia said...

You are the bomb!We will do it again for sure and maybe just maybe I will do you the pleasure of keeping up with you.

Brooke said...

Awesome Angie! Congrats!

us said...

Wow!! Amazing!! Congrats on the race!

Kate, Brian and Hazel said...

Way to go!!! I ran this race last year. I loved it! Except yes, WAY unorganized is an understatement. I had to find a bathroom midrace and i swear i had to run an extra half mile detour to get to it. It took forever to start the race too. It was beautiful though and love the downhill for making good time!!! Jealous, can't wait to run again. Nursing makes it a bit dangerous! Ha

Kristie said...

Thats awesome Ang!!! I keep telling myself that I will run one. Awesome time too!!!