Monday, December 22, 2008


Owen's Fiesta (that happened what seems like a year ago) was lots of fun! We had easy finger foods like taquitos, quesadillas, chips, dips, and colorful cupcakes. I had my aunt bring maracas from Tijuana to give all of the kids as party favors. As you can see, Owen loves his. He got lots of great gifts, one of his favorites was drumsticks from his "Bee Bop Band" It is pretty funny to see him with them, because he hits the dog with them, shuts the door with them, does whatever he can with them! He didn't exactly dive into the cake, but he was happy to sample the sugary frosting. Many thanks to all of our family for coming, and especially my mom and Steve's mom for all of their help!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a great party!

The Staheli's said... fun! This is such a fun age. Enjoy every second. What a cutie!