Monday, July 21, 2008


Time for some memories! Here are the rules.1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember! If we're only blogging friends, write about a post that is most memorable. If you don't have a blog and don't know how to sign in, please comment as anonymous.2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll be sure to write one about you... either on your blog, in my comment box, or I will email you back!3. If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all!


Nesting with Grace said...

I remember when your appendix burst when we were younger and I thought that was so scary, I felt so bad! Hahaha and you getting raked in the face! You saying that you wanted to do photography and I thought that was neat little did I know how talented you were and how I would get to share in your talents! sidenote...we don't have the lockets in yet that you can make your own charm, I will for sure let you know when they show up!

A.S. said...

My favorite memory with you... Valentine's Day senior year!!! We took Valentine Candies to Jack's house, numerous times, left them on the porch and ran. One of the times we were ‘dropping and ditching,’ a car came pulling up behind us, so we (me and Sara?) took off, leaving you in the yard to be caught! I have never laughed so hard... that was a funny night! Good memory!
I also really like the memory of you coming down and distracting me from the death of my grandma, by taking pictures of my sweet 12 day old baby.

Makenzie & Jordan said...

My first memory of you is when you went to homecoming with Bridger and I went with Steve. How random? It all really worked out though. I also really liked last time when you guys came down and we got to spend some time with cute little Owen. I am so excited for you to stay with us for Jess's wedding! I can't wait.

The Blanchard Family said...

Ok...too many memories are all flooding through my head right now. But I will list a few...

The house you lived in when I met you (on my Aunt Randa's street) where I loved your room and thought you were SO popular because of all the awesome pix on your "tiny" bedroom walls, me driving completely terrified to your house in the snow on your 16th birthday to deliver your FAVE oreo cookies (the day I got my license), your kiss with someones boyfriend you know who, the time we left Trent's house to go visit Andy, John Faux, Travis Petit, Carter Chase (for like 2 hours) and I got in trouble with Brad when we came back because I told him I would be back in a minute and didn't say where I was going...he he!, and of course some of my favorite times as roomies at the roost!

Jess and Nate said...

Like Cas, I have so many memories to choose from... I like to take it back to lagoon, you.. me.. annie.. not sure how old but I have a photo of us and we all have those HIDEOUS mini backpacks that were so popular :) ha ha ha AWESOME!

ariannet said...

Ha ha, I want to play this game too. I have lots of memories, but the ones that stick out are all the times you came home with me after school and we watched family feud, and of course the "master plan" for you to marry one of my brothers so we could go on family feud together!

Kortnie said...

I love reading your blog Ang and checking out pics of darling Owen. He is soooo cute! I have many memories of you at girl's camp and just hanging out with me at my house. We always loved having you in our home. I remember you and Chel coming to visit me right after I had Mayci. I also loved having you and Stevie-boy over for dinner and you taught me how to make taquitos, beans and guacamole (sans mayo :-) Love you!

JLH DMB said...

Ang!!! I wish so hard I could put a video up of my favorite memory of you!!!! haa haa haa. It that little dance I'd make you do over and over again:) you push your lips out, look to the side, and roll your arms back! I think we got it from the movie "clueless" or something. What ev, its my all time FAVORITE. And I'll never forget you meansuring out your cereal at dixie every morning, or how I could stare at you for hours...freaky some may say...but I think you're so interesting to stare at:) Love you!

Heather & Josh said...

Hmmm...I remember the two of us rocking out at the Styx concert. And your amazing air guitar. Seeing you always come home in your little IHOP uniform. Oh my little Hens balls. Also the time we drove home from St. George in Casi's car and we listened to the 311 Peaches n cream song I think the whole way home on repeat. And also called luke and sang the whole song on his voicemail. Oh the memories.

Sophia said...

Last christmas I gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away......too many to list. Love you!