Sunday, January 15, 2012

Miles Starts Nursery

We got a phone call earlier this week from a lady in our ward saying Miles would be starting nursery this week and she was his teacher. We were pleasantly surprised since he won't be 18 months for a couple of weeks. Let's face it, church and a rambunctious toddler is not the funnest 3 hours of our week, but now it's 1 hour 10 minutes followed by the remaining time actually listening and learning (well for Steve, I teach, so I can't have Miles in class). Miles' first day went swimmingly! There were several criers and Miles just looked at them like "Why are you crying?" I set Miles down with a toy and went to teach my class. When I checked on him he was happily drinking from his sippy. When Steve checked on him, he was giving high-fives and showing his belly to his teachers. He was so happy when Steve got him after church. I love my silly, happy boy!

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