Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter part 2: Breakfast and Kites with the Hansons

Another fun tradition, every year the Saturday before Easter is breakfast and Kites with Great Grandma Hanson (or Grandma Bethie as we call her). We had a delicious breakfast...fruit, eggs, sausage, pancakes, hashbrowns...for 60+ people? It was pretty warm in grandma's house. Then the kids get to hunt for REAL eggs (boiled and dyed of course) and then they turn them in for money and candy eggs. Then we headed down to the park for kite flying, which eventually turns into playing in the playground. It was really fun and we appreciate grandma keeping up this fun tradition.

Estee, Vince, Jules, Owen and Kaycee:
one more of Owen: we laugh when he puts this hat on, he looks like a little elf.

Steve, Miles, Matt and Greg's face.

Kit, once again being adorable. She was pointing up at a kite. She is proficient in "Baby Signing Time" I think that means "what's that?" Or maybe it's just pointing...

This is hilarious. It looks like Owen is standing in awe of his kite flying so high. Not so. He is PISSED because his dad took off running with his kite. He doesn't quite get that that is how a kite becomes airborne.Grandma Bethie and the Boys. We really appreciate all her work and sure love her!
FUN FACT: Growing up, Steve's mom got a kite every year in her Easter basket. This was how her parents kept the tradition going.

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